woensdag 16 februari 2011

Black Ops My Opinion and the CoD franchise

In this blog message I'm going to write why I'm not a big fan of Black Ops. It has positive things but also negative(more negative in my opinion). Before I start, let me tell you that I am a big fan of the Call of Duty franchise from the beginning (with Call of Duty). I really like the setting of the game (WWII). The expansion, United Offensive is in my opinion the best game until CoD 4: Modern Warfare came out. Those two had to share first place. But then Treyarch launched CoD World at War. The setting of  this game was rather dark. I didn't really liked that. The storyline was like pure sh*t. With the first CoD's I had the feeling of being there, being in game, being a part of the "unit" and that's what I miss with games that Treyarch develop. There were also a lot of bugs in the game upon release, which is a shame of Treyarch to deliver a game that isn't finished (just the same as Black Ops). The game didn't really run smooth, lots of lag, in multi as in singleplayer. But I was going to talk about Black Ops.

It seems they have learned something from the previous game they released. The storyline was a little bit better, now I had the feeling of being the character. But that's about it. They had the same problem as in CoD WaW, problems from day one upon release. Lots of lag, no support for some pc's (gfx card etc.). It's really ashame that they don't finish the game before releasing. It seems that they only want our money. Another thing I notice is that the console games are more important then the pc games?? It was originally a pc game treyarch!! Not a damned console game! (I really can't play a shooter on consoles, can't shoot apeshait)
People will say, they have to finish the game in 2 years bla bla bla.. Listen to your community, listen to your gamers and you will have a lot of tips that can help out developing the game. It's 2 games in a row that Treyarch delivers with lag issues, solve it damned, that should be the first thing on your checklist before releasing the game! How can you shoot a guy when he is teleporting 20 feet?

What I don't like about the Muliplayer
Where is the fun in immediately buying your weapons? Ok, I know you can play directly with your favorite weapon, but it gets boring. In MW2 you had to wait until you reached rank ... before you could play with that weapon, you also had to kill that many people to unlock attachments. Now what you do is simply buy it.. It's not fun, as for me, everybody has his own opinion. But that was fun for me, getting points, ranking up and waiting until you get a decent gun.
But what I do like is that there are dedicated servers! They are back, what is much better so you can join any server, map you want.

I really hope Modern Warfare 3 doesn't have any of those bugs/glitches, well I didn't really notice any of the bugs I found in Black Ops in Modern Warfare 2. I really hope that Treyarch learns from it's mistakes and delivers us a great game next time.

Grtz TheReverzer

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